
  • 推荐者: 詹娜谢菲尔德

    大多数, 如果不是全部, 网赌上分平台 students will receive some online instruction during their time at the university. This presentation will cover tips on how to be successful in a virtual environment. Topics include an overview of the university resources we have to support your learning in digital and face-to-face settings, strategies for getting the most out of an online (or hybrid) class, as well as a few tech tips for boosting your success.

  • 主持人: Kevin Murphy and Elana Quarti

    Studying abroad can be a very rewarding experience both academically and personally. In an increasingly connected world, studying abroad provides you an opportunity to actively engage with a new culture and challenges you to think critically about the host culture and your own.

  • 推荐者: 安德鲁·迈耶

    The 网赌上分平台’s Take Charge Leadership program provides 经验 opportunities to explore concepts and develop skills in a co-curricular environment. Students are challenged to become more critically, globally and socially aware community members through the incorporation of the six Competency Learning Experience (CLE) areas into their collegiate experience: Leadership, 团队合作, 批判性思维, Global and Cultural Awareness, Resilience and Communication. This session will specifically outline leadership programming opportunities first year students can get involved with including the First Year Leadership Experience (FLEx) 课程和一个学分 Beginners’ Understanding of Individual Leadership Development (BUILD) 选修课.

  • 主持人: Ron Quagliani and Summer McGee

    University COVID Task Force co-chairs Dr. Summer McGee and Ron Quagliani invite you – and your parents and families – to chat to answer questions you may have about the Fall 2020 semester. We will provide the latest guidance we have from local and state health officials, outline the comprehensive measures we have put in place to protect your health, and update you on the many steps we have taken to ensure you have a rewarding and fulfilling educational experience in and out of the classroom.

  • 推荐者: GregO

    Information on the move-in process for students.

  • 主持人: OC Angelo和OC Jordan

  • 推荐者: 丽贝卡Kitchell

    加入博士. 贝卡·基切尔,艾德.D, Assistant Dean of Students to learn more about the staff and services the Dean of Students Office offers. 特别是, we will talk about ways students can get involved with our community service efforts on campus. If you are passionate about community service, please think about joining me!

  • 推荐者: 丽贝卡Kitchell

    加入博士. 贝卡·基切尔,艾德.D, Assistant Dean of Students to learn more about how the Dean of Students Office supports parents and families. This chat will familiarize you with the various resources and initiatives available to parents and families to support your students throughout their college experience at the 网赌上分平台. 请和我一起!

  • 推荐者: 查尔斯•安德森

    The Counseling Center community chat will give you a chance to learn about our free counseling and medication services on campus and how to schedule an appointment. Our staff therapy dog Brue will also be present to take any questions you may have on animal-assisted therapy. 感激地接受对待.

  • 推荐者: 琳达Copney-Okeke

    The services in a student's IEP and/or a high school level Section 504 Plan end when the student graduates from high school, but this doesn't mean colleges don't offer accommodations to eligible students. The Accessibility Resources Center is here to assist students and parents with making a smooth transition to the 网赌上分平台, and staff will be sharing steps needed to receive reasonable accommodations and the services and supports offered by the department.

  • 主持人: Sofia Martinez/我的 E-Board

    我的, the undergraduate student government association, will be introducing themselves and what they do on campus. 在这里, our 我的 represents student voices to the University, 监视rso, recognized student organizations or clubs, 促进包容性. Feel free to stop in to learn more and ask questions about campus life and leadership opportunities!

  • 推荐者: 马特Caporale

    在本次会议上, learn and ask questions about how we integrate career development into your academic, 住宅, 运动, 经验, and community-based experiences. We will also discuss how internships work and the student employment process on campus.

  • 推荐者: 胡安·埃尔南德斯

    The Myatt Center for 多样性 and 包容 encourages an 包容 worldview by facilitating awareness and collaborative interaction between members of the 网赌上分平台 community. Come learn about what role you can play in social justice to combat acts of prejudice, 讨厌, 和偏见.

  • 主持人: 克里斯·里德和亚当·布朗

    I will be discussing what services UPD has to offer to the community along in addition to the Liv Safe app and answering any questions. Fire Marshal Reed will be discussing the fire/ lab safety measures currently implemented and also discussing the LiveSafe app and its newest features including COVID-19 reporting.

  • 推荐者: 文森特Mangiacapra

    The Office of Information Technology will be providing information and answering questions related to technology on campus. Topics covered will include bringing a computer, 软件, 技术支持, 电子邮件安全, 校园卡, 印刷, 网络服务.

  • 推荐者: 胡安Dominguez

    I will like to talk about how dining service will affect the students' dining experiences with the “new normal” where in phase one will be restricted, phase 2 will be a little more relaxed but restricted and phase 3 will define what the new normal will look like. We, in dining service will like to send out a very strong message to create conscience in how different things will look in dining service when students come back where “self-service” will not be available, where sitting with friends will be restricted, where “social distance” will slow things down and where ordering online will become the most effective way to get food. We also need to create a culture of respecting the others taking care of yourself to avoid in all possible ways to go back to the numbers of contagious people affected by the coronavirus. Is up to all of us to get to the new normal as soon as we all can.

  • 推荐者: 艾丽卡加德纳

    You don’t have to live on campus to immerse yourself in the complete University experience. Join us to discuss Commuter Life on campus and how you can take advantage of the many opportunities and resources we have to offer while connecting with your fellow Chargers.

  • 主持人: Patrick Veronneau/Helena Cole

    Come join the Center for Student Success for an overview of our academic support services. We will cover who we are, what we do, and how we can help! 在一起, we will create a Time Analysis Chart to help you prepare for the independence of college life and effectively manage your time.

  • 推荐者: 妮可·麦格拉思

    The mission of the Office of Residential Life is to create a safe, 支持, 包容, and engaged learning environment that enhances students’ holistic development. During the Charger Community Chat, we will discuss the services and community building opportunities provided through our office. 除了, we will review the residence halls and the important role our staff play in connecting with students and building our 住宅 community.

  • 主持人: OC Angelo和OC Jordan

  • 推荐者: TBD

    在这次聊天中, we will talk about the transfer student experience, 转移学分, finding your place in your new “home”, and any other questions that you may have! Looking forward to connecting with you then!

  • 推荐者: 詹娜谢菲尔德

    大多数, 如果不是全部, 网赌上分平台 students will receive some online instruction during their time at the university. This presentation will cover tips on how to be successful in a virtual environment. Topics include an overview of the university resources we have to support your learning in digital and face-to-face settings, strategies for getting the most out of an online (or hybrid) class, as well as a few tech tips for boosting your success.