Frequently Asked Questions for 父母 and 家庭

  • The Center for Student Engagement, 《网赌上分平台》认可140多个学生组织. 学生可以通过访问充电器连接访问认可的学生组织的完整列表, which can be found in the MyCharger门户. 请鼓励您的学生探索充电器连接作为一种了解校园活动的方式. 每个认可的学生组织都有自己的充电器连接页面,以分享有关会议时间的详细信息, organization contact information, 以及即将举行的活动.

  • 所有程序, 事件, 和认可的学生组织向所有住宿和通勤学生开放. 我们鼓励通勤学生通过参加校园活动来充分利用他们的大学经历, joining a Recognized Student Organization, staying on campus to utilize resources, and stepping out of their comfort zone to meet new people. If your commuter student is on campus for class, 鼓励他们课后留下来看看有什么项目和活动.

  • 校园里有多个地方为通勤学生提供学习或休息空间.

    • The Bartels Campus Center is located at the heart of campus. This building offers students lounge space, 爵士音乐家咖啡馆, and commuter lockers for your student to store their belongings during the day.
    • The Marketplace is the dining hall located in Bartels Campus Center. This is a centralized hub for students to grab a bite to eat. 通勤学生应该考虑通勤膳食计划,这将使他们节省资金, 和朋友出去玩, 并保留他们的停车位.
    • The Bartels Student Activity Center (BSAC) is located in the Bixler/Gerber Quad. 这个空间提供躺椅,会议室,电脑隔间,冰箱和微波炉.
    • The 图书馆 is a great space for students who need silent study space, 使用电脑, 或者喝杯咖啡休息一下.
    • 位于Maxcy北门廊三楼的本科生休息室是学生寻求学习或休闲休闲空间的另一个绝佳空间. The lounge offers various computer stations.

  • Take Charge是网赌上分平台的领导力项目,它提供了探索概念的体验机会, develop skills and acquire knowledge. The experiences challenge students to be more critically, globally and socially aware community members. 学校为对领导力发展感兴趣的学生提供了各种各样的课程:

    • 个人领导力发展的初学者理解(BUILD)是一个学期, 通过互动作业向一年级学生介绍领导理论和概念的非学分课程, 讨论及个案研究. This course is only eligible for first semester first-year students.
    • 认证领导者计划(CLP)是一个以课程为基础的经验,为学生提供机会,通过参与各种活动来发展他们的领导技能, 研讨会, 教育项目, speakers and by holding leadership roles on campus. 根据能力学习经验(CLE)的六个方面,雇主已经确定为潜在求职者的基本技能,可以获得六个证书, 团队合作, 批判性思维, 全球 & Cultural Awareness, Resilience, and Communication. Students who are interested in enrolling or getting more information can 电子邮件
    • The First Year Leadership Experience (FLEx) is a two and a half day off-campus retreat exclusively for first year students who want to get a jump start on their leadership skills before the Fall semester. 新入学的一年级学生必须在进入网赌上分平台之前的夏天预先注册FLEx课程.
    • “负责”系列课程是由学生领导力实习生开发的双月课程,涉及各种领导力主题或时事. 学生可以查看充电器连接或他们的大学电子邮件了解即将到来的研讨会的时间表, 讲座, discussions and activities offered as part of the series.

  • 各种领导职位的申请通过网赌上分平台的电子邮件帐户发送给学生,或者在Charger Connection上提供. Most applications will be available in the spring semester. If your student is interested in a specific leadership position, please encourage them to reach out to the office overseeing the position.

  • 加入兄弟会或姐妹会有助于学生在网赌上分平台的经历,培养兄弟/姐妹情谊, 加强领导, 鼓励学业成功, and promoting philanthropy and 社区服务 efforts. 加入兄弟会或姐妹会的学生常常觉得他们在家外找到了一个家. 毕业后,学生可以使用校友网络来支持他们毕业后的过渡.

  • Recruitment is the process by which a student shows interest in a Greek organization. Recruitment takes place throughout the year and includes information sessions, 开放的房子, 以及单独的章节事件. 网赌上分平台推迟了招生,这意味着所有学生在网赌上分平台完成12个学分后都有资格加入希腊组织.

  • 大学要求所有潜在的新成员的最低累积GPA为2.5 and have passed 12 网赌上分平台 credit hours. 个别希腊分会也可能有会员标准,如更高的GPA要求, 社区服务时间, 领导参与, 等.

  • 网赌上分平台的希腊生活社区致力于学术卓越和提高学术成就. Chapters offer academic assistance for their members, providing monitored study hours and peer tutoring. Each chapter has GPA requirements that apply to both incoming and active members.

  • When students join a Greek organization, 他们将参加一段时间的培训,在那里他们将了解这个希腊组织的历史和价值观. Each Greek organization also has weekly chapter meetings, 筹款活动, 社区服务, 以及教育项目. 学生将学习时间管理技能,以帮助他们平衡多重责任.

  • 根据大学政策, 欺侮是任何造成精神或身体不适的行为或情况, 尴尬, 骚扰, 或嘲笑. The 网赌上分平台 has a strict no-hazing policy. Before becoming a new member of a Greek organization, all students will attend an anti-hazing workshop where they learn about hazing, 如何发现欺侮行为, 以及如何举报欺侮行为.

  • 我们希望你能在学生加入网赌上分平台的希腊社团之前和加入社团时向他们提问,尽可能多地了解他们. Many Greek organizations provide written statements concerning activities, finances and policies; students should be encouraged to read this information by visiting the chapter’s national website. 许多希腊组织也举办家庭活动,我们鼓励你和你的学生一起参加,以了解他们的经历.

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