

根据联邦法律关于无毒校园环境,相关的 网赌上分平台的政策和规定适用于所有在校生 和员工. 这些信息也可应要求提供. 禁止吸烟 in any campus residence hall or administrative, academic, or recreational building. Smoking is confined to outdoor space, with ashtrays provided outside each building.


The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require an institution 高等教育,作为接受资金或任何其他形式的财政资助的条件 任何联邦计划的援助,以证明该计划已被采纳和实施 a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs 还有学生和员工喝酒.

As part of its drug prevention program for students 和员工, the University 每年以书面形式向每位学生和员工分发以下信息:

  • 明确禁止非法占有、使用或分发的行为标准 of illicit drugs 还有学生和员工喝酒 on its property or as part 它的任何活动;
  • 有关的适用的地方、州和联邦法律制裁的描述 the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
  • 说明与使用和滥用非法药物有关的健康风险 酒精;
  • a description of available drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, 以及重返社会项目;
  • a clear statement of the disciplinary sanctions that the University will impose on students 和员工 who violate the standards of conduct.

该大学对其毒品预防方案进行了两年一次的审查,以确定 其有效性,实施必要的变革,并确保纪律制裁 始终如一地执行. The University will continue to conduct such reviews.


非法制造、拥有、使用、分配或分发非法的 学生或雇员在学校内或在任何地方使用毒品和酒精 禁止参加大学活动. Students 和员工 must comply with this policy 作为入学或就业的条件.

统计e and Federal Legal Sanctions Concerning Drugs and Alcohol


Connecticut statutes cover a wide range of drug offenses, including the offer, the 出售,意图出售的占有,赠与,以及仅仅占有各种 types of drugs [Connecticut 创eral 统计utes Sections 21a 277, 278, 278a, 279]. 在 其他规定,州法律规定了以下强制性最低刑期 for first-time offenders who are not "drug-dependent" persons:

  • 制造,分销,销售,或持有意图 出售一盎司或更多的海洛因,美沙酮或可卡因(包括“快克”),或 one-half gram or more of cocaine in a freebase form, or five milligrams or more of 迷幻药;
  • 制造,分销,销售,或持有意图 出售任何麻醉剂、致幻剂或安非他明类物质,或一公斤 or more of a cannabis-type 物质(包括大麻);
  • 提供或赠与上述药品的金额为五年.

Conviction for illegal possession of drugs carries no mandatory minimum sentence, but the following are the maximum sentences for first-time offenders:

  • 因管有任何数量的毒品,判处七年徒刑或罚款五万元,或两者兼而有之,包括 可卡因和“快克”、吗啡或海洛因;
  • Five 一年s or $2,000 or both for possession of any quantity of a hallucinogen (such as LSD or peyote), other than marijuana, or four ounces or more of a cannabis-type 物质(包括大麻);
  • 持有少于四盎司的大麻类大麻,判一年或1000美元,或两者兼而有之 一种物质,或任何数量的管制药物,如安非他明或巴比妥酸盐.

Any person who possesses any controlled substance within one thousand five hundred 包括公立或私立小学或中学的不动产 and who is not enrolled in such school shall be imprisoned for two 一年s, and that sentence shall not be suspended and shall be in addition to and consecutive to any term of imprisonment imposed under the general possession provisions.

因涉及未成年人或小学附近的毒品犯罪而被定罪 或中学带下列强制句加和连用 to any term of imprisonment imposed for violations of the statutes which prohibit 毒品:各种毒品的分发、销售或持有并意图出售:

  • Two 一年s for the distribution, sale, offer, or gift of any controlled substance by a person eighteen 一年s or older to a person under eighteen 一年s of age and who is 至少比违反禁止分发法令的人年轻两岁, sale, or possession with intent to sell of various types of drugs;
  • Three 一年s for the manufacture, distribution, sale, transport, or possession with 意图向他人出售、分配、提供或赠送任何受管制物质 within one thousand five hundred feet of the real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school or a public housing project;
  • 雇用、雇用、使用、劝诱、引诱、胁迫,三年 未满18岁的人违反禁止制造的法规, sale, possession with intent to sell, offer, or gift of any controlled substance.

实际量刑取决于犯罪的严重程度和情节 罪犯的性格和背景.

Connecticut law also prohibits the sale, delivery, or giving of alcohol to minors, 醉酒的人或习惯性的酒鬼[Conn .. 创. 统计. 30 -86]. 惩罚 for conviction for delivery or giving of alcoholic liquor to a minor is:

  • 不超过18个月,或者不超过
  • $1,500或两者兼而有之. Connecticut law prohibits any person to whom the sale of alcoholic 法律禁止购买或试图购买此类酒类或酒类 from making any false statement for the purpose of procuring such liquor [Conn. 创. 统计. 30-89(a)] and provides the following penalty for convictions:
  • 不少于200元,不多于500元.
  • Moreover, Connecticut law prohibits any minor from possessing any alcoholic liquor 任何地方,包括私人财产,在任何街道或高速公路或任何公共场所 or place open to the public including any club which is open to the public [Conn. 创. 统计. 30-89(b)]并规定下列处罚:
  • 不少于200元,不多于500元.
  • This law does not apply to a minor who possesses alcohol on order of a practicing 医生或在父母、监护人、 或年满21岁的配偶. Federal law also penalizes the manufacture, distribution, possession with intent to manufacture or distribute, and simple possession of drugs ("controlled substances") [Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. 841, 843(b), 844, 846, 859, 860]. The law sets the following sentences for first-time offenders:
  • A minimum of ten 一年s and a maximum of life imprisonment, a fine not to exceed the 若明知或故意,可处以4,000,000美元或其他适用的罚款,或两者兼而有之 制造、销售或持有大量麻醉品并有意出售; 包括海洛因、吗啡、可卡因(包括“快克”)或苯环利定 (PCP),或LSD,或大麻(1000公斤或更多的混合物或物质) 含有可检测数量的大麻,或无论如何含有1000或更多大麻植物 的重量);
  • 最少五年,最多四十年,罚款不得超过较大者 罚款$2,000,000或其他适用的罚款,或两者兼而有之 少量的任何麻醉品,包括海洛因、吗啡或可卡因(其中包括 "crack"), or of phencyclidine (PCP), or of LSD, or of marijuana (100 kilo-grams or more of a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of marijuana, or 100 或者更多的大麻植物,无论重量如何);
  • 最长不得超过五年,罚款不得超过250,000元或其他适用的罚款中较高者 对涉及少量大麻的类似行为的处罚,或两者兼而有之 than 50 kilograms, except in the case of 50 or more marijuana plants regardless of 大麻,大麻油,PCP或LSD,或任何数量的安非他明,巴比妥酸盐, 以及其他受控制的兴奋剂和镇静剂;
  • 违例人士明知或违反有关规定,最高可处四年,罚款不超过30,000元,或两者兼而有之 故意使用邮件、电话、广播或任何其他公共或私人手段 从事违反法律规定的生产、销售、 持有毒品;
  • 故意或故意违例者,最高监禁一年,最低罚款1,000元,或两者兼而有之 管有任何受管制物质. (“少量”大麻的礼物是 因持有毒品而受到处罚.)

Penalties may be doubled, however, when a first-time offender at least 18 一年s old (1)向未满21岁的人分发管制物质或(2)分发, possesses with intent to distribute, or manufactures a controlled substance in or 位于或距其一千英尺内的由公共或私人财产构成的不动产上 elementary or secondary school, or a public or private college, junior college, or university, a playground or housing facility owned by a public housing authority, 或者在公共或私人青年中心、公共游泳池或视频中心100英尺内 商场设施. A term of imprisonment for this offense shall not be less than one 一年.