

Our graduates will lead innovation through collaboration.


提供创新, distinctive and transformational learning opportunities that develop creative and responsible engineering and applied science leaders of the future.


To achieve its mission, the Tagliatela工程学院 will:

  • 促进多元学生的学习 through engaged classroom experiences involving hands-on projects and active learning methods
  • 让学生为现代职场做好准备 by immersing them in multidisciplinary and team-based environments
  • Educate students to solve tomorrow’s problems 通过灌输企业家的心态
  • 造福社会 by engaging students in research, scholarship and outreach
  • 支持长期职业发展 by developing students’ technical and interpersonal communication skills
  • 培养学生的全球意识 by exploring the impact of engineering solutions on a world scale
  • Expose students to real world experiences by partnering with industry, government, and community organizations
  • 建立国际声誉 by promoting an all-encompassing climate of excellence