

该项目的第二届年度毕业典礼表彰了该项目最新毕业生的成就, 也是第一个在康涅狄格州监狱举行的文学学士学位毕业典礼.


By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications

Dr. Jens Frederiksen celebrated with the new graduates.
Dr. Jens Frederiksen (right) celebrated with the new graduates.

马科斯·梅尔卡多1924年.A. 走上一个木制的讲台,讲台上印着网赌上分平台的名字和印章,上面写着“2024届毕业生”——这是他亲手搭建的讲台. 当他站在讲台上,周围是他的同学和大学社区的成员, 他告诉他们一个故事.

网赌上分平台第二届年度毕业典礼上发表讲话 监狱教育计划 and the Yale Prison Education Initiative, 梅尔卡多 told some of his own story, as well as that of a man who had died many centuries earlier. The man's skull had been found recently, and it was evident that the individual had suffered serious head trauma. 但, 解释, 梅尔卡多, it was evident that despite the seriousness of the injury, the trauma had not been what had ultimately led to the man's death. 相反,他活了下来,这表明他得到了社区成员的支持.

梅尔卡多说:“他的头部有一个凹陷,但他活了下来,因为他得到了照顾,这就是恩典。. "Being in prison can be like that injury, and we need grace. I find it inspiring that everyone qualifies for grace. It's a h所有mark of humanity. 这个监狱教育项目是我听说过的最重要和最有影响力的项目之一."

马科斯·梅尔卡多1924年.A. speaks as part of the 毕业典礼 celebration.
第一个B.A. 度的

梅尔卡多以优异的成绩毕业,他在毕业典礼上接受了副学士学位. The prison education program enables individuals who are incarcerated at MacDoug所有-Walker Correctional Institution 在康涅狄格州的萨菲尔德., to earn college credits and pursue their education.

作为颁奖典礼的一部分,哈佛大学授予了13个学位——11个副学士学位(包括一个死后授予的学位)和两个文学学士学位——这是该项目和合作伙伴首次授予此类学位. 这一仪式标志着康涅狄格州监狱首次颁发学士学位.

"These aren't just the first B.A. 作为第二次机会佩尔实验地点倡议的一部分,他们是第一批B.A. degrees given in any prison in 康涅狄格," said 塞尔达·罗兰博士.D., 耶鲁监狱教育倡议和网赌上分平台监狱教育项目的创始主任.

'It 所有 重要的

The members of the program's 2024届毕业生 在课堂上表现优异. All associate degree graduates at the ceremony earned high honors, and two tied for valedictorian, 每人得4分.0的绩点. 两个B.A. grads also graduated with honors – one graduating 以优等成绩毕业者 另一个 优等生.

小迈克尔·帕皮诺. '24 A.A.获得学位并成为一名优等生的机会改变了他的一生. 作为仪式的一部分,他描述了自己生活中的失败感. 但现在,他的教育之旅让他对自己所取得的成就感到满意.


他说:“我怀着崇高的荣誉站在这里,我感到非常自豪和荣幸。. "We are more than the sum of our parts. Next time you ask yourself, 'does this matter,' remember, it 所有 重要的."

去年春天,哈佛大学为这个项目举行了首届毕业典礼, recognizing more than half a dozen graduates. The program has been continuing to expand, 为更多的学生提供接受教育的机会,包括在丹伯里联邦惩教所被监禁的女性, 康涅狄格. The first associate degrees there were also awarded this year, and they will be celebrated in a ceremony next year. 这是美国联邦监狱中唯一提供给女囚的大学课程.S.

The 网赌上分平台 joined with the Yale Prison Education Initiative (YPEI) 到2021年,使被监禁的学生能够获得两年制和四年制学位. 它是通过 $1.5 million award from The Andrew W. 梅隆基金会.

'You're a testament to the power of education'

延斯·弗雷德里克森博士.D., president of the 网赌上分平台, 今年春天早些时候,我参观了麦克杜格尔-沃克惩教所的一个政策简报班. 他被学生们对学习的热情所感动,他形容这种热情“具有感染力”.

“我希望学生们能有我一半的转变经历,”他对新毕业生说. "Please know that you are leading by example. 永远不要忘记你们每个人在引导他人进入一个充满机会的世界中所扮演的重要角色. This graduation is just the beginning."

克劳迪娅·兰金 delivers the 毕业典礼 address.

克劳迪娅·兰金, an award-winning author who has written five books of poetry, 四个玩, and is the co-editor of several anthologies, delivered the 毕业典礼 address. 兰金, 他在纽约大学教授创意写作课程,并与人共同创立了种族想象研究所, urged the graduates to continue to strive for authenticity.

"Your journeys have been marked by ch所有enges, 但, 经历这一切, you've discovered that education isn't just about acquiring knowledge,她说. "It's about finding strength. 你们每个人来到这里都证明了你们可以拒绝被环境所左右. You've set an undeniable example for your families and friends, and you're a testament to the power of education to transform lives."


作为仪式的一部分, 毕业生的学术成就和追求卓越的精神得到了肯定. 他们与教授、项目工作人员、家人、朋友和在校生一起庆祝.


For new graduate Khari Miller '24 A.A., the transformative power of education has changed his entire perspective. 他说,获得副学士学位让他有机会挑战自我,成为一个他从未想过可能的自己. 他也看到了同学们因为新发现的学习热情而团结在一起的变革性影响.

"I believe the key to any meaningful change is education," he said. “我开始注意到自己的变化,我获得了对知识的渴望. Education is contagious here. We've planted the seeds of change, and now we watch these seeds bear fruit. 我们是变革者."