
University Celebrates New 校友 to Receive Advanced Degrees

作为2024年毕业典礼的一部分,网赌上分平台在三场典礼上表彰了最新获得硕士和博士学位的毕业生. 新校友, 谁来自世界各地, are excited to begin fulfilling careers or to continue their education.


By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing 和 Communications

New graduates celebrate at the 网赌上分平台
New graduates celebrate at the 网赌上分平台.

贾思敏24分.S., 作为大学莱姆病和乳腺癌研究实验室的研究助理,这不仅仅是一个磨练她研究技能的机会. 这份工作让她感到充实,并使她能够进行有影响力的研究,探索导致莱姆病和乳腺癌的细菌之间的联系.

Jathan represented the lab at a variety of breast cancer awareness events, from a "pink out" football game on campus to a gala for the 粉红三叶草基金会该组织由大学赞助人萨姆·索贝罗(Sam Sorbello)创立,在新泽西州举行.

For Jathan, being a Charger also meant being part of a community. Head of logistics 和 hospitality for the University's 印度学生会她帮助举办了各种有趣的活动,比如为她的同伴举办排灯节庆祝活动. A new graduate of the University's cellular 和 molecular biology graduate program贾森回忆了她作为一名战马队员所获得的许多令人兴奋和受教育的机会.

Jasmine Jathan(24岁.S. 在实验室里.
Jasmine Jathan(24岁.S. 在实验室里.

“作为一个 国际学生, 我发现这所大学的学生和教师组成了一个多元化的社区,为我提供了充足的交流机会,让我与同学和教授建立联系,她说. “在过去的两年里, working as a lab research student 和 working on my thesis, I have developed resilience 和 discipline, which have contributed to my career path, in addition to the knowledge I gained from my classes."


贾坦是其中之一,500人(其中2人,获得硕士和博士学位的300人)在大学期间获得学位的人 2024年毕业典礼, comprising four ceremonies over three days. The ceremonies were held on campus, drawing more than 12,000 guests.

尼古拉斯·科尔特斯·阿兰戈24分钟.S. was among those who accepted master's degrees in 体育运动管理. He, 太, 埋头研究, leveraging his fluency in Spanish as he 和 his faculty mentor Ceyda Mumcu博士.D., examined how disciplines such as marketing, 社会学, 和 behavioral economics intersect in the sports industry.


As an intern for CT Sports Management Group, 一个每年夏天在全州举办体育赛事的体育组织, he gained experience working with a variety of sports, 从匹克球到足球. 他还获得了欧洲机构的第二个足球数据分析硕士学位,同时获得了美国足球联合会的执照. 他计划搬到太平洋西北地区,为西雅图凯尔特人足球俱乐部工作.

“选择网赌上分平台作为我的研究生教育机构被证明是最好的选择,科尔特斯·阿兰戈说, 谁是哥伦比亚人. “在我上大学期间, I have broadened my knowledge in the sports industry, 学习数据分析技能, 和, 最重要的是, 获得了宝贵的教练实践经验,使我能够将自己的专业知识应用到足球和数据方面. I also had the opportunity to meet fantastic mentors, 同行, 和教授, creating valuable friendships 和 connections."


The 毕业典礼 ceremonies included speeches from U.S. 参议员理查德·布卢门撒尔, renowned Connecticut television journalist Ann Nyberg of WTNH-TV, 以及由大学社区成员组成的委员会选出的几名学生.

New graduates of the University’s 卫生科学学院.
New graduates of the University’s 卫生科学学院.

Esosa Edo-Osagie, 24届MBA, 在周四下午的毕业典礼上,她向其他毕业生致辞 庞培商学院. 她分享了自己离开祖国尼日利亚去攻读学位的故事, following in the footsteps of her cousin, 他也是充电器的校友. 她描述了尽管离家很远,但在大学里找到了一个社区. 她敦促她的同伴们在开始他们人生的下一个篇章时做出类似的飞跃.

"The 网赌上分平台 has become our comfort zone,她说. “当我们毕业的时候,我们必须离开这个充电器社区,再次面对一个新的环境. 但离开舒适区的神奇之处在于,我们带走了知识, 智慧, 以及我们经验的财富. 当我们站在我们未来的边缘时,让我们发扬我们旅程中的经验教训."

Camryn Debose 24岁.A.
Camryn Debose 24岁.A. 向充电器社区发表讲话.

Camryn Debose 24岁.A.他在美国获得硕士学位 临床心理健康咨询, 讨论她自己的旅程, as well as her passions for basketball, 她的领域, 和多样性, 股本, 和包容. 她在周五上午的硕士和博士研究生毕业典礼上发表了讲话 文理学院, Lee College of Criminal Justice 和 Forensic Sciences,和 卫生科学学院.

“选择网赌上分平台为我打开了很多扇门,”她说. "That included developing into a leader on the women's basketball team, becoming Northeast-10 woman of the year, 在场外,我也成为了一名领袖,在与我的黑人社区和心理健康有关的问题上,我用自己的声音说话."

Ololade Odunsi的24分钟.S., 毕业典礼 truly did represent a new beginning. Odunsi, who accepted her master's degree in 网络安全 during the Friday afternoon ceremony for master's degree c和idates in the Tagliatella College of Engineering, shared that she did not have a background in information technology. She had decided to make a career change, shifting from working as a business analyst to 网络安全. 她用自己的故事激励其他毕业生,敦促他们找到自己的目标.

"At age 30, I have pivoted," Odunsi explained. "Despite what I thought was a disadvantage, 我努力工作, 克服我的恐惧, 和 became a teaching assistant 和 student tutor. 只要有适当的计划和信念,你可以在任何年龄找到你的目标并改变职业."

'My life has changed for the better'
Jasmine Sawangsangsai ' 24 M.S. 和妮可·罗宾斯
Jasmine Sawangsangsai '24 M.S., a proud Charger (left), 和 妮可·罗宾斯24岁.S.

Many new graduates are already charged up about what they will do next, whether that means beginning a new position or a new educational journey. Jasmine Sawangsangsai '24 M.S., who accepted her master's degree in 刑事司法她计划继续她的学业.

“我在网赌上分平台的时间帮助我为成功做好了准备,为网络打开了新的机会,她说. “该大学与许多刑事司法专业人士有着密切的关系."

妮可·罗宾斯24岁.S. 获得硕士学位 语言语音病理学. 她很高兴开始一个新的临床奖学金在语言病理学(CF-SLP)与出生到三岁. She's always had a passion for early intervention work, 和 when she completed her internship with Birth to Three, she knew she wanted to continue to work with this young population. 她迫不及待地想开始她在语言病理学领域的职业生涯.

"The support I have received from my professors 和 supervisors, 以及我从客户那里得到的积极反馈表明,网赌上分平台为我未来的成功做好了准备,她说. "My life has changed for the better, 和 I am very excited for the future. 我永远感激我被语言病理学项目录取了."