The Charger Blog


As I prepare for Commencement, 我反思我在大学里建立的关系和我有过的有益的经历. 我期待着在暑期实习时加入的公司全职工作.

May 4, 2023

By Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.

Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.
Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.

当我回顾我在网赌上分平台的旅程时, 自从我来到美国追求我的梦想以来,这段不可思议的旅程让我感到震惊 master's degree in finance. From a young age, 一张纸在从一个家庭到世界各地的运作中如此重要,这让我着迷. 这使我对金融产生了浓厚的兴趣, 吸引我来到世界金融中心, irrespective of my circumstances, which felt like a dream.

Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.
Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.

然而,我的毕业之路并不一帆风顺. It was a series of highs and lows, from sometimes feeling like a foreigner, despite being fluent in the language, 我喜欢课堂上的案例研究和实际工作项目,还有很棒的教授. 第一学期尤其具有挑战性, 伴随着一阵狂风,让我想家, struggling with independent-living skills, time management, and understanding a new country, while juggling assignments.

但正如人们所说,“飓风过后,彩虹就来了。. And trust me, there is always a rainbow.”

‘I am a very proud Charger’

Though learning never stops, 我的最后两个学期就像和煦的春风一样过去了, and I loved every second of it. I landed a summer internship at Terex Corporation. I managed the 大学的首个ESG投资基金- GAIA倡议. This involved research, long discussions, many meetings, trial and error, 最后概述基金结构,并向潜在投资者介绍. 我体验了提交硕士学位证书的快乐 & 研究项目,并在我实习的同一家公司接受全职工作.

Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.
Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.

Being a part of the Women in Business Club was a dear and near experience to me, 因为我能够和一个了不起的女性团队一起工作,她们努力赋予学生权力, 让他们发现自己的目标,释放自己的潜力. 我也有一个伟大的时间担任主席 Indian Student Council,使我能够与全校的国际学生联系,帮助他们解决问题 organize major events such as Diwali创造一个包容的环境,让学生有宾至如归的感觉.

这所大学给了我比我想要的更多的东西:一个强大的, close-knit community, and opportunities to grow and flourish. 我很感激能和最暖心的人建立起一些非常有意义的关系. I am a very proud Charger and now a proud 明矾.

我想象着今天的自己,然后被吸引过来, as per the finance theory "higher risk, higher return.“嗯, 我不后悔第一次坐单程飞机去纽约,让我的父母感到骄傲. I believe that "what you think, you become; what you feel, you attract; and what you imagine, you create.我在网赌上分平台的经历就是证明.

Amna Jalali ’23 M.S., 该大学金融研究生课程的候选人, president of the Indian Student Council, 也是商业女性俱乐部的副主席, 入围者可以作为学生演讲者吗 Commencement. 以上内容是基于她的演讲,作为选拔学生毕业典礼演讲者的竞争过程的一部分.

Amna Jalali ’23 M.S.
Amna Jalali ’23 M.S. 博士. Candice Deal (left) and Dr. Leah Hartman (right).