
教师 Members Build Skills and Community at MakeHaven

This summer a group of faculty members flipped the script as they became students, 在MakeHaven做项目. Now they are bringing what they learned to the classroom.


By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications

基因梅尔 created pieces based on deconstructing letter forms.

玛丽·伊斯贝尔博士.D.,香港大学副教授 英语 也是第一年写作和 写作中心他一直喜欢木工. 家里有一套小工具, 她被限制在她能做的事情上, 所以她加入了社区 MakeHaven, a makerspace that educates and empowers people by facilitating interest-driven projects and providing access to technology.

Isbell, who is learning how to use a table saw, spent time in the makerspace’s woodshop. She is creating a picture rail – a wooden display – to house student projects on the third floor of Harugari Hall.

除了锻炼她的木工技能, Isbell says she also learned how to make the time to work on her project. She realized that juggling busy schedules is also a challenge for her students – something that can discourage them from pursuing research opportunities.

玛丽·伊斯贝尔博士.D. 喜欢在创客空间的木工车间工作.

为了改变这种状况, Isbell and several of her colleagues are building a new one-credit course. The digital humanities lab encourages students to experiment with different tools for the first half of the semester and then to propose a research project to take on with a faculty mentor.

"For anyone who is creative – or who aspires to be – there is a wide range of things to do at MakeHaven."基因梅尔

"Students are most likely to get involved if there is an actual course they are enrolled in,伊斯贝尔说。. "They need to have enough of an introduction to new technologies that they can experiment on their own and ask questions. I found that at MakeHaven, and I found the whole process very inspiring."

Isbell was one of more than a dozen faculty members who joined the MakeHaven community this summer to learn about making. The participants met recently to discuss their projects, 以及对教学的影响.

康原健人,博士.D. 与MakeHaven社区分享他的工作.

该项目得到了 Grant for Remaking Education through Action Together (GREAT) program that provided MakeHaven memberships to faculty members for the summer to use the equipment in the makerspace. 他们可以按照自己的节奏学习, 使用他们想要的任何设备, 包括3D打印机, 激光切割机, 缝纫机和绣花机, 还有一个焊锡站.

“我们正在努力让学生们使用这个空间, and we want faculty members to get comfortable with using it,” Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, director of University makerspace and associate professor of 机械工程. "This space is getting us ready for the cutting-edge new makerspace we will have when the Bergami Center for Science, 技术, 和创新明年开放."

康原健人,博士.D.,副教授 刑事司法, 做了一个他自己设计的杯托, inspired by the frequent problem of cups not fitting into the cupholders he had. In doing so, he learned about prototyping and the process engineers follow when problem solving.

R的像. 莉莲娜·马西亚斯博士.D.
R. 莉莲娜·马西亚斯博士.D. created t-shirts for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

"I enjoyed this experience because it was different from what I do every day," he said. "I wanted to explore, and this was a great learning opportunity."

的makerspace, 位于纽黑文市中心的艺术区, 大约有5个,000平方英尺的空间, 成员可以在哪里完成他们的项目.

"For anyone who is creative – or who aspires to be – there is a wide range of things to do at MakeHaven,基因梅尔说, an adjunct faculty of art and design who created pieces that were based on deconstructing letter forms. “这是一个很棒的社区. Being able to interact helps us to encourage our own visions."

R. 莉莲娜·马西亚斯博士.D.的助理教授 心理学, used the makerspace to create t-shirts for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. She hopes the space will enable students to create more shirts for less money.

"This enabled me to make connections – every project involved working with others."R. 莉莲娜·马西亚斯博士.D.

"The project was very meaningful – especially because of the people I met and learned from at the makerspace,她说. "This enabled me to make connections – every project involved working with others."

For more information about the GREAT Grant or about making, please email Maria-Isabel Carnasciali at mcarnasciali@wolaipei.com.